The Romanian Rocks that are still alive give Birth to New trovant Stones every 1,000 Years and grow two inches

The Romanian village of Costesti is the site of the trovant stones. From Bucharest, the capital, it is approximately 50 miles to the west.

These metamorphic rocks change size from pebbles to pebble-sized rocks every thousand years. The trovant stones reportedly “birth” new stones in a process similar to that of plants, according to the Daily Mail.

There is a solid stone core inside the stones, and the sand around it makes up the shell. The minerals in the rain induce a chemical reaction inside the stone, which increases internal pressure and causes the stone to gradually expand when exposed to moisture.

Their size varies greatly, and they resemble rock bubbles that have been blown. The diameter of some is several feet, while that of others is just enough to fit in a hand. According to Dr. Mircea Ticleanu of Romania’s Geological Institute, who spoke with Mail online, these creatures also come in a range of ages, with the older ones likely being younger so that they can procreate.

There are smaller, spherical tubercles called “microtrovants” that can be seen on the surface of larger trovants in Costesti. There are a lot of smaller, defective ones that tend to be spherical, as the study pointed out.

According to a study that Dr. Ticleanu co-authored, living stones can be discovered all around the Carpathian region of Romania, and not just in Romania. The ones found in Costesi, on the other hand, are larger and more widely used. Their forms are often intricately twinned and spherical or egg-shaped.

Does Life Exist in Trovant Stones?

According to local legend, trovants (also known as living stones) can do things like grow, walk, and even give birth to more trovants. How Stuff Works reports that these objects have perplexed onlookers since the 18th century, when many thought they might be extraterrestrial pods, plant relics, or even dinosaur eggs.

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As stated in the Daily Mail, rocks can’t be considered living according to scientific standards. But both natives and visitors have referred to them as “living” because of the way they seem to evolve over the years.

One example is their ability to proliferate and expand. Above, we said that trovants can reach a maximum size of two inches in a thousand years. They proliferate in the same way as mammals do: by having offspring.

The fact that water only permeates part of the rock, meanwhile, suggests that this is not the reason trovants reproduce. That side grows in size over time, and occasionally the stone will break away from its “parent” rock, revealing a beautiful gem. For many, it’s the same as the birth of a trovant baby.

Rocks in Living Form Are Amazing Geological Events

Geology In states that the Romanian trovants are extraordinary geological features. You can also hear the German word for cemented sand, “Sandsteinkonkretionen,” referred to as trovants.

It is thought that they are a sort of sandstone concretion that occasionally grows and secretes cement, giving the impression that they are living. There have been reports that these rocks look just like the ones in Death Valley.

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